FA points, including Week Pts and Season Pts, which will influence week rank and season rank respectively.

FA Week Points:

Teams provide FA Week Pts to their FA when they finish League, Cup, and Champions League matches. 3 points for win, 1 point for tie, 0 point for lost matches.
There is a FA Rank table in Rank interface. Teams ranking in the Top 10 FA will receive special rewards. FA rewards are sent through mail. Coins and Scout Points will be distributed to everyone in Top 10 FA according to how many FA Points you contribute, and everyone will receive equal Morale, Energy and Recovery with other members in same FA as follows.

※Weekly Rank list and FA Points clear on every Monday.
※If you leave an FA, the points you contributed to the FA won’t be reduced from the amount, but your own FA Points will be cleared.
※If you join a new FA, your week Points will accumulate from the second day.

FA Season Points:

Teams provide FA Season Pts to their FA based on the rank of League, Cup and Champions League as below.

League Rank
Cup Rank

Champions League Rank
There is a FA Season Rank table in Rank interface. Teams ranking in the Top 10 FA will receive special rewards. FA rewards are sent through mail. Coins and Scout Points will be distributed to everyone in Top 10 FA according to how many FA Points you contribute, and everyone will receive equal Morale, Energy and Recovery with other members in same FA as follows.

※You can check last season's final rank at the 1st season day, and season rank will refresh since the 4th season day, after each league round switching.
※If you leave a FA, your FA Seaon Pts will be reduced from the amount, it is important to recruit enough members.
※If you join a new FA after the 14th match day, then your FA Season Pts will be start to accumulate next season.