In TFM as IRL, there is no standard set of tactics that can always guarantee a victory. However, there are a number of tactics you can adjust to counter the opponent's attack or destroy his defense.
Mentality determines the playing style of your team, other tactics can also be influenced by it. You can choose between (defensive-balance-attacking) mentality according to your squad and your opponent's.
Passing style
Short passes ensure possession and are hard to be intercepted, long passes are riskier, but can create opportunities and transfer balls more quickly.
Attack Pattern
Against teams with defensive tactics, long shots and 45° crosses are effective, suitable pattern leads to more goals and victory.
Attack direction
Choosing a correct attack direction according to your best players and opponent's formation will signally improved your attack abilities.
Defense aggression
Higher aggression makes players more aggressive and positive on defense, along with more fouls and energy consumption.
Defense line
Formation Width
Formation width affects the attack efficiency on middle or wings, make your choice based on your tactics and your opponent's.