By using the in-game chat system you are agreeing to follow the rules listed below. These rules are in place to protect other players and yourself from varying forms of abuse and to keep the chat civil and welcoming to all players and age ranges.
Spamming: please do not spam the chat with pointless text. Spam is defined as the following: Identical links more than once per chat page. The same text three or more times in succession.Hitting enter after every word.
Harassment: Harassment in any form is not tolerated. Please be considerate to other players with different religions,sex, nationalities, languages, races, preferences, and other forms of belief sand opinions.
Personal Attacks: Any verbal attacks,flaming, hate, or harassment directed at a person, group, guild, ororganization is considered Harassment (see above).
Language: Please do not swear or use any word that can be considered offensive; be kind and civil to other players at all times.
A violation of the rules listed above will result in a 24 hour ban, further repeats may result in a permanent chat ban for you.